Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to Avoid Turning the Holidays Into Heavy Days

The holiday season is quickly approaching and no matter if you celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, one thing unites us...we all indulge in delicious holiday meals. Most people believe that the average person gains about five pounds during the holiday season. The truth is, the average weight gain is only about one pound. But this one pound tends to remain through the season and into the next season. Not only does it remain, but we also add to it as time goes on. So here are some tips on how to stay away from the dreaded holiday weight gain.

Never Party Hungry

Many of us have heard that you should not go grocery shopping hungry because it will cause you to buy more than you need. Well the same goes for holiday partying. Never go to a holiday party hungry because it will cause you to overeat. Have a healthy meal before you head out to that Christmas party that way you will be sure to have self-control when aunty brings out that juicy pineapple glazed ham.
Alcohol is Not Your Friend
Besides the fact that alcohol leads to the embarrassing acts that make for a legendary office story, alcohol is also not worth consuming during the holiday season because it has no nutritional value and add empty calories. Calories from alcohol tend to be stored as fat, so while your holiday hangover will go away the next day, the calories from the consumption won't. Stick to virgin eggnog and apple cider. If you must consume alcohol, do so in moderation.
Talk Away From the Snack Table
Talking by the snack table brings nothing but trouble. While mingling with friends, you're reaching every two seconds to grab a chip or a piece of cheese and before you know it, you've just consumed 300 calories for no good reason. So instead of talking by the snack table, grab a small plate of the goodies you want and take the conversation to the other side of the room. You are less likely to overeat if you have to walk back and you are more likely to forget about the table of snack when it is out of sight and out of reach.
Opt For Diet Drinks
Ideally you should drink water with those holiday meals in order to avoid consuming any extra calories, but if you have to have a flavored beverage, opt for diet drinks over regular soda and juice. A 12-ounce can of soda and or 8-ounce glass of juice contain about 150 calories. But diet soda contains about 2-4 calories and club soda is calories-free. So choose these options as they can save you about 450 calories a day!

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
Not only is exercise good for your health in general, but exercise can also help prevent candied yam and turkey stuffing weight gain. Increasing your current exercise regimen during the holiday season will allow you to eat all of the candied yams your heart desires. For example, on average we eat about 500 calories more a day during the holidays. So increasing your work out regimen to burn 500 more calories than usual will allow you to have a zero calorie balance. It's simple. If you burn the extra calories you consume, you can maintain you current weight.
Many of us expect to gain weight over the holiday season, but that does not have to be the case this year. By following these simple tips, you can maintain your current weight and avoid those unwanted pounds. You don't have to treat holiday foods like they are your enemy, but know that they are definitely not your body's best friends. So consume with caution. Stay healthy, and stay pretty.